A Worship Chick from the South

"…the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life…" Psalm 27:4

Mondays in my office April 12, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — carterclan4 @ 6:44 pm

Mondays are generally my reflection day. It is a time to prayerfully think about  Sunday’s service, what went well, what did not go well and why. The mistakes that were made, can they be improved on? Where was the core of the problem and how am I going to move forward in correcting it?  This has been a year of learning for me for sure.  I have been doing worship on teams, including leading for over 15 years, but this has been a whole new experience and I have made some doozy mistakes…oh yes.

That old saying “hindsight is 20/20” definately has applied to me several times.  I have often walked away on a Sunday morning  seeing so clearly, thinking, “Why in the world did I pick that song?” or “What ever made me think I could sing that song?”  I don’t really know why it becomes so much clearer at that point ((Big Sigh)).

The best Mondays are when I can look back and know that we were visited by the Lord, His presence coming down like a sweet fragrance that covers the room.  That was this past Sunday, the Sunday after Easter…now last Sunday, Easter, was one of those times when I walked away wondering, “What just happened?”…but I guess that’s ok, I will do my reflecting, make adjustments where they need to be (scrap a song or two that I vow never to try again) and move forward in what the Lord has for our congregation, because, like I tell the team all the time, it is all about Worship. When we come ready to give to Him, He comes ready to give to us.

” seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul. ” Deut. 4:29


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